OSCP Passed!
I've passed the OSCP exam!
This was my training path:
1) Subscribe to Virtual Hacking Labs, cleared all machines. It contains the meat and potatoes of what you need to know.
2) Touch a little of the PEN-200 labs and PG Practice to see what kind of trickery you might face.
Did 48 boxes in VHL, 16 boxes in PEN-200 labs and 1 box in PG Practice.
Absolutely hated the nonsensical trickery I faced in the PEN-200 labs and PG Practice, and just stopped doing it altogether.
I believe I lucked out on getting machines that were straightforward.
I also believe it was my mindset that changed things up. I took the exam because the voucher was expiring and took it very lightly, expecting to fail.
It was only when I hit 30 points a few hours in that I realized "hey, I could actually passed this", then started getting extremely stressed out. I took a few hours to play games, eat, and sleep.
I wish all of you the best in your exams, may your initial footholds be clearly visible, and your privilege escalations be routinely pwnable!