
Hi, everyone

I want to share something that has been on my mind for a while now. I feel like this is definitely going to spark some emotions and may be a bit of a sensitive subject for some of you and for this reason, I want to make it clear that I am not trying to attack anyone or create conflicts whatsoever. I just feel like it is time I share my thoughts on something.

So, I've been playing Outlaster for over 2 years now, and there has been something on my mind that I am not sure if anyone feels the same way. Have you ever felt a bit frustrated or annoyed when you win a challenge ( or even if someone wins) you type "gg", but some -- if not all-- of the players don't respond, even though they clearly are able to chat, speak English, and obviously know what the term "gg" means? This applies especially to the players whose ranks are Legendary and Royalty ( For context, my rank is Royalty). I've been seeing that it has become a more noticable pattern.

Now, I understand that it is not inherently disrespectful, I understand, I really do but whenever someone does not replay with a simple "gg", it feels what you can say a little off to me, and I think it could display a lack of sportsmanship or come across as rude. I get that not everyone may feel the need to type "gg" after a game, I truly get it but for me, I do not think it is so much about the term "gg" itself but more about the lack of acknowledgment for the effort and energy that went into the game. I really value respect and good sportsmanship. I hope you all see where I am coming from.

I am generally curious if anyone else feels the same way, or is it just me