I just have to say, this community is spoiled rotten.
The community is spoiled rotten. I truly can't believe some of the posts on here. A free game with free content updates and all it takes to fold on them is they can't provide one when they said they would? The community should be ashamed of themselves. Chris is gone, Erik is gone which clearly made it difficult to adjust on top of having a second very succseful game to balance around and the first thing people do is shout from the rooftops? Where is my free content! I have played POE 1 for over 10 years and GGG owes me nothing at this point because I got my monies worth 10 fold. I love GGG and they made mistakes but everyone does. Ask yourself do you still play WOW or D4 or cyberpunk?
Thanks GGG and don't change from this spoiled communty. I'll be waiting for the new content when it's ready. Until then I'll play another game.