I constantly worry about money. constantly
i am a 25yr female in an upper middle class family living in Saudi Arabia Jeddah. i constantly worry about money, i worked for two yrs now and im making 215,000 SR yrly (57,333 USD) as a nurse. i have around 100K in saudi stocks. 25K in worldwide stocks. 50K in bonds with 1.7% profit. 100g 24k in Gold and emergency savings and no debts/loans nor husband nor children and i cant stop worrying about money and my ability to buy a house and if i will ever reach financial independence or if ill work forever. ever since im in middle school im budgeting and saving and now im have full on excel sheet with my spending and avg and total of years and months and monitoring and i am still worried and i still feel bad and i worry if i spend my money (i don’t have toxic spending habits just the regular amount of “i like to buy some stuff and eat outside a lot to manage the time at work”).