Thr combination of debt+dependent(s) is one of the worst things on this planet and marriage+children is a sure shot way to reach the above deadly combination

Disclaimer-Not applicable for generation wealth folks.

Single guy 26 living in a metro earning say 15 ctc.Decides to get married-first burns a good portion into marriage expenses and then buys a home and a car on loan.Fast forward 5 years later-he has total EMIs of 1.3 lakh a month,his wife has now left her job to take care if the kid and now he's pretty much in a jail.Cant leave his job because he's stuck, can't think of taking a paycut to join another industry he likes because of EMIs.Basically living like a bonded slave.Most posts on this subreddit resonate with this example

Take another example-35 year old parents self sufficient no wife/kids/live-in partner no loans whatsoever lives a frugal lifestyle.Has left his corporate job to move to a rural village where he has leased a land to start a cricket academy.This would give him 40k a month in earnings but because he's single and frugal he isn't answerable to anyone and enjoys what he does.

People can't imagine how many vectors of freedom you have as a man if you have no dependents and loans.But because this sub has a variety of audience and experienced folks id like to hear their bit as well.Also please don't come with 'but the wife lives you and love is priceless' nonsense