The uni dimensionality of this sub is irritating-everyone is in Bangalore/south of India, everyone is in IT, everyone earns 1 lakh per month

You ask a question on this sub saying you bought a house but don't tell them where it is they'd gonna assume it's in Bangalore.They are also going to assume you'd work in tech.99 percent of professions in India you'd not find related questions here

Say a lekhpal working in rural Western UP/a guy working a rigorous sales job for a rural focused FMCG/someone working in the event/artist management industry as a freelancer/someone working as a police constable etc.These are the 'real jobs' not working for a remote startup for 2 lakh a month almost nobody in India has heard of/worked in such remote startups.The concept of upskilling is irrelevant in areas other than tech where it's your experience that matters you can't learn something and demand a hike that doesn't happen in other sectors.But because this sub has a overwhelming majority of tech guys answers are like "hey increase your salary by upskilling" and similar such responses.If someone works say in a factory which produces rubber products how the fuck he's going to increase his salary by upskilling and learning?