Top 5 fixes for the KONAMI devs
- Op stunning shots
Stunning shots from 30m and longer should not be so accurate even with the best shooters) not to mention pavard making keepers struggle and giving away corners. Stunning shots should go wide and over the goal more often, no matter how much power was applied.
- Pass cancel
By far the simplest improvement that Konami refuses to make. This is basically super cancel which is possible on console, the cancel shouldn't play any special animation apart from stopping the passing animation itself. Cancel should have a couple of seconds of cooldown so it can't be abused, and players shouldn't make any turns or effect the defenders after doing it. A simple tapp on the stick or dash or whatever would fix it immediately.
- Deflections
Deflections have become so unrealistic, both stunning shots and finesse shots can result in the identical type of parry which lands somewhere in the box. Also the ability of players scoring those deflections from the tightest of angles is also a long standing issue by now.
- Players ignoring the ball
This isn't just a badly placed pass. It's players literally running in the path of the pass but it magically goes through their literal hitbox sometimes. On occasions it phases through the opponents as well after the initial receiver misses it.
- Kickoff glitch
Probably unanimously the most hated bug. Almost everyone does it. If you don't you forget to defend it. It's almost 100% defendable if you go +2 defending though.