Bailing out on dinner date (repost from AITA)
The original post in IATA was removed because it's more of a revenge story and a member told me that i should post it here. I added a few details for clarification, fix typos, grammar, otherwise 99.9% copy-paste.
Back when i was still in the dating scene, i met this girl through a dating app. We matched and hit it off right away in the chat. After a week or two i asked her out on a dinner date, she wanted to bring a friend along. I hesitated at first, not because i don't want to pay for 3 people, but i don't want to be the 3rd wheel. However, i agreed, thinking she would feel more comfortable with her friend on the date.
I made reservation at a casual restaurant that is built over a large man-made pool, open-air, nicely decorated, good food. The table i reserved is in the more private area where couples usually dine. In short, the place is casual enough for 3 and romantic enough for a date; and if the date went badly, at least the food is good.
On the date night i went to pick her up just to find out that she invited another of her friends without telling me, so there are 3 of them in total (2 friends + 1 the girl). Obviously, I was flabbergasted. They greeted me and jumped in my car. They were just talking among themselves the entire way to the restaurant, i might as well be an uber driver at that point.
We had to move to a bigger table, the restaurant wasn't fully reserved, so we didn't have to wait for long. The girls were having a blast, they ordered expensive dishes, went nuts on drinks. I was pretty much excluded from their conversation, anything i said would be ignored, none of them even made a glance at me. It seems like i don't exist then.
It was very clear to me that she and her friends are on girls' night out and i am a sucker that's going to pay for them. With that, i ordered the most expensive steak and other dishes piling up the bill, stuffing my face, then excused myself to the washroom, got in my car and drove back home.
On the way back i got 20ish calls that i didn't bother to pick up. When i got home, i was bombarded with messages and was called asshole and more.