Sure, I'll speak in my mother tongue

Yesterday, I (17f) was in the changing room with my classmates after P.E., when they started ganging up on me about speaking English. We live in Slovenia, and I am Slovene, but I only came back to my country after living abroad (for 4 years) in 2023. Abroad, I attended a European school and spoke English basically always, all my classes were in English and a couple were in French. All that is to say, I speak fluent English, I think in English, I even dream in English. Sometimes, I even have to translate a sentence in my head or words with Google translate, because I think first in English.

I speak Slovenian in school. But their problem was apparently that often, when saying something out loud to myself or to the general public, I say it in English, because that's just how my brain is wired. I honestly don't even realise what language I've used until a couple seconds after I finish talking.

Their argument was that I've been in Slovenia for a year and should switch back to Slovenian. It's not a problem of me not wanting to switch, is that at this time, this is impossible. They said that boys in our class are laughing at me when I speak English. True, but they've laughed at a chair before, so I'm not that worried. They didn't let me argue back or explain myself. One girl was even yelling at me about it, which, calm down, it ain't that deep (as someone told me, her parents fought a lot before divorcing, so that apparently now excuses her actions).

But then, they messed up and asked me what my mother tongue is. They obviously expected me to say Slovenian, so they could argue I should speak it. While yes, it is Slovenian, it's also French. I've lived abroad before, when I was very little, and growing up, I learned both languages at the same time. I even spoke mainly French up until I went to first grade. I still speak French with my mom (although both my parents are Slovenian, it's so I don't lose the language). Say it's a loophole or "Well, actually ☝️🤓", but I took the chance.

I'm currently speaking to all of them in French. Funny enough, I don't even speak to them, but anything I say to myself or in their general direction, it's French. It's actually very fun and a nice way to not forget the language as I only have my mom to speak it with.

I think I'll continue this until someone apologises. Currently, I only speak non-French with two of my classmates, my best friend who was on my side, and a girl who has (I guess) apologised, and both don't mind me talking in English.