2024 PA Salary Averages

Hey all - A few months back, I had shared an anonymous salary sharing project here to help create a comprehensive and free resource of salaries by us and for us.

Thanks to all your feedback and participation, there are ~820 submissions so far - with all the useful details on salary, bonuses, shifts, benefits, etc. So, I pulled together a quick summary of averages across a number of factors in case it's helpful as you are evaluating or negotiating your offers.

Summary of Total Compensation
10%-ile: $110k
25%-ile: $125k
Median: $138k
75%-ile: $160k
90%-ile: $190k

Top 3 Specialties Average COmp:
Derm - $166k
EM - $158k
Ortho - $153k
See all specialties here

Breakdown by Experience
0 - 2 Yrs: $134k
3 - 5 Yrs: $149k
6 - 10 Yrs: $158k
>10 Yrs: $155k

Breakdown by Regions
Northeast: $149k
South: $142k
Midwest: $138k
West: $158k
See all states here

Mega Cities (e.g., NYC): $151k
Large Metro Areas: $147k
Small Metros / Towns: $141k 

High COL: $159k
Medium COL: $155k
Low COL: $142k

How do these #s look? Thanks again for participating and LMK if there are any other cuts of data I can pull

PS: This project uses a "give-to-get" model, so you can add your salary anonymously here to get access to the 800+ PA salaries that have already been shared.