we gettin insane huh
delulu (me asf)
Notice: Undefined index: scrubberThumbSource in /home/runcloud/webapps/default-news/reddit/post.php on line 356
delulu (me asf)
{"account": null, "authorFlair": {"t5_3fmt2": {"19toofar": {"text": "Whole Lotta Waiting", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Whole Lotta Waiting"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "templateId": "d6faf822-831d-11e9-9c47-0e1697cc2730"}, "midnightdante": null, "Clean_Apple_2982": null, "Pure_Pickle_4024": null, "Bebeiscat": null, "JustSam123": {"text": "I Been On Opium For The Last 10 Days", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "I Been On Opium For The Last 10 Days"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "templateId": "d1535252-90cd-11ea-ad25-0e2948a2602b"}, "Deep_dish_pizza_boi2": {"text": "New Choppa", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "New Choppa"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "templateId": "e39c1a46-6a97-11e9-906c-0ebb52b1b38c"}, "PlayboiLuna": {"text": "Sky", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Sky"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "templateId": "9a4c5ae0-517c-11eb-8fef-0e92485dbcdf"}, "freekydoodah": null, "onlygng": null, "Nicotine4lunch": {"text": "Cash Carti", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Cash Carti"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "templateId": "34f93074-1c09-11ed-865d-dae813c3e8e2"}, "spiny_boy_dilemma": null}}, "commentLists": {"t3_1iwsnaz": {"head": {"id": "t1_meglbq3", "type": "comment"}, "tail": {"id": "t1_metair0", "type": "comment"}}}, "comments": {"t1_meglbq3": {"author": "19toofar", "authorId": "t2_104wfo", "collapsed": false, "collapsedReason": null, "collapsedBecauseCrowdControl": null, "collapsedReasonCode": null, "created": 1740368093.0, "depth": 0, "deletedBy": null, "distinguishType": null, "editedAt": null, "gildings": null, "goldCount": 0, "id": "t1_meglbq3", "isAdmin": false, "isDeleted": false, "isGildable": false, "isLocked": false, "isMod": false, "isOp": false, "isSaved": false, "isStickied": false, "isScoreHidden": false, "next": {"id": "t1_meglots", "type": "comment"}, "parentId": null, "permalink": "/r/playboicarti/comments/1iwsnaz/we_gettin_insane_huh/meglbq3/", "prev": null, "postAuthor": null, "postId": "t3_1iwsnaz", "postTitle": null, "score": 40, "sendReplies": true, "subredditId": "t5_3fmt2", "voteState": 0, "bodyMD": "Getting? Acting like mfs weren\u2019t adding up the numbers on his jerseys and shit", "body": "
Getting? Acting like mfs weren\u2019t adding up the numbers on his jerseys and shit
\nwhat that gayahh vamp has done to us (i still love him fr)
\nWhere is this image from \ud83d\ude2d
\nion know, got it from tiktok lmao
\nwe all got stockholm synodrome
\nI think we are at the second smaller its over right now
\nCocaine nose \ud83d\ude33
\nIs the stream still going
\nThis confirms the next song on the album will be called "C0KE"
\nsequel will be C0CK
\nThat actually makes sense tho
\nalso coke-caine nose? \ud83e\udd79
\ndelulu (me asf)
delulu (me asf)
delulu (me asf)