[Question] Could I solo a Machamp Raid?

I am a level 30 player and I'm considering evolving some eevees into espeons in an attempt to solo a machamp raid.

I have:
- Espeon 1680 CP with IVs 15/14/10 and moves Zen Headbutt/Psybeam
- Eevee 766 CP with IVs 12/15/2
- Eevee 750 CP with IVs 9/4/13 or 10/2/13
- Eevee 713 CP with IVs 7/11/7 or 6/12/8
- Eevee 645 CP with IVs 9/10/15 or 10/8/15

where stats are as Atk/Def/Sta.

Would it depend on the movesets upon evolving? I have a few other eevees also but they are a little lower and so would require stardust that I'm not sure I'm willing to spend.

On a sidenote: I finally have enough dratini candy to evolve one and I'm not sure whether I should or not.
I have:
- Dratini Lv 20 IVs 13/13/12
- Dratini Lv 20 IVs 15/8/13
- Dragonair Lv 9 IVs 15/0/15

Thanks and if anyone could point me in the direction of a raid battle simulator to do some testing myself I would be grateful.