US intel shows Russia and China are attempting to recruit disgruntled federal employees, sources say | CNN Politics
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\nOf course they are! It\u2019s part of the plan
\nRussia has already infiltrated quite well, they have their State media in oval press rooms without clearance, China will benefit the most with reality show drama Trump/Vance are going for
\nRussia recruited an American president and it got them famine, mass death, unmanageable inflation and hopelessness.
\nYou forgot ethnic cleansing
\nHow can they have loyalty to USA when their country b treats them with such disdain?
\nWhy are they bothering when Musk can just hand over all the data for a fee?
\nMusk is probably asking too much.
\nFeds are far more likely to take their talents to allied nations in Europe, Australia, or New Zealand.
\nYou don\u2019t need a lot of them to jump ship. A handful of well informed, very angry/disgruntled/desperate/ compromised employees could be incredibly destructive
\nMoney talks.
\nFollow the money every time. But these people don't realise it once they finish their useful purpose they'll probably fall out of a window
\nI would not blame them one bit. You got a whole administration bashing them about how worthless, scum, and how much of a leech they are and not even including how much shit they push to their right wing media to demonize them in the eyes of the braindead MAGA crowd.\u00a0
\nMoney\u2019s always ranked up there, high, as a motivational factor for people that choose to betray their country.
\n\nFor example, there was a fire-sale on HUMINT when the wall (East/West Germany) came crumbling down. The Americans and Brits were in over the \u2018now\u2019 porous border buying intel/hardware from all sorts of sources (Soviet, East German, military, intelligence services).
\n\nThese people were in a position to take full advantage of a clearly very messy situation (an extremely divided nation state with a bunch of nutters in charge). That was back then\u2026
\nYou're saying this like everyone that's laid off would become some deep undercover mole. There are plenty of LEGAL roles that they can fill for Russia and China where their expertise and knowledge would be helpful. They do not have to have ongoing access to classified information or ever leak any classified information to them.
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\nAttempting? I think their first recruit was the orange clown after he was impeached twice and put on trial