Does anyone know the origin of the Mii Alphonso?

I'm asking because I'm trying to determine the origin of all the famous miis on Poof's channel

Edit: I have also heard of a video where Poofesure decided to add Miis from the Mii Plaza onto his console, thus adding Dudy Dude. If someone has the link to that video, please send it to me, thanks.

2nd Edit: Does anyone also happen to know the origin of the miis Dildo, Condom, Weird Al, DJKEEMSTAR, Fart, JOSH, and finally Winkey? Furthermore, if anyone knows about it, I would also like the first video to feature Kienan & Grandma, as I know their origin but just want their original. This is all for a big project of mine and I probably should've added this to the title but oh well.

Last Edit: If anyone needs reference for how these Miis look, here's an old post: