New to coding and need help where i am going wrong. I think my structure is good but my function might be off. I also have the original homework assignement if that would help as well as the picture of my actual code
<DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>CIS 223 Chapter 1 Program</title> </head> <body onLoad = NetPay()> <script type="text/javascript">
function NetPay()
var Emp\_Name = prompt("Please enter your name")
var Emp\_Rate = prompt("Please enter your hourly pay rate")
var Emp\_Hour = prompt("Please enter how many hours a week you work");
var Emp\_Dep = prompt("Please enter your dependents");
if (Emp\_Hour > 40 )
var overtime = Emp\_Rate \* 1.5 \* (Emp\_Hour - 40);
var regular = Emp\_Rate \* 40;
var grosspay = overtime + regular;
var pay = Emp\_Rate \* Emp\_Hour;
switch (Emp\_Dep)
Case 0:
if (grosspay > 1000)
var tax = grosspay * .33;
var tax = grosspay * .28;
Case 1: Case 2: Case 3:
if (grosspay > 1000)
var tax = grosspay * .25;
var tax = grosspay * .22;
Case 4: Case 5: Case 6:
if (grosspay > 1000)
var tax = grosspay * .22;
var tax = grosspay * .15;
if (grosspay > 1000)
var tax = grosspay * .15;
var tax = grosspay * .10;
var total = grosspay - tax;