Prolife Laws Are Not Killing Women


"In 2022 there were approximately 22 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births in the United States — far above rates for other high-income countries. U.S. maternal mortality is lowest for Asian American women and highest for Black women."

Out of 186 ranked countries the United States rank 122 for lowest MMR (meaning at least 64 countries had better statistics). Our MMR is 11x higher than Poland, who reported a 2% MMR.

"There were about 19 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births in 2023, according to the provisional data. That's in line with rates seen in 2018 and 2019."

"In 2021, the maternal mortality rate in the United States was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births. This was a nearly double increase from 2018, when the rate was 17.4. The number of maternal deaths in 2021 was 1,205."

"As of April 2024, the provisional maternal mortality rate in the United States was 18.8 deaths per 100,000 live births."

Roe V Wade was overturned on June 24, 2022

The MMR has declined (and is continuing to decline) since the overturning. The overturning did not cause MMR (nor infant MR) to "skyrocket", as some propagandists are claiming.

In fact, IMR only "skyrocketed" in 3 states, completely irrelevant to prolife laws (I haven't done individual rate shifts for the states for MMR yet).

These states are : Deleware (BLUE/PC state, 57% increase), Vermont (BLUE/PC state, 40% increase), and North Dakota (RED/PL state, 55% increase). This data was found using a chart jump between years 2021 and 2022.

The reasons for these increases have been reported as unknown. Unfortunately, things just happen.

The US MMR was the highest it had been in years in 2021, standing at 32.9%. Propagandists love using this number to spread false information about maternal deaths, even though this was BEFORE Roe V Wade was overturned, and the rate quickly dropped AFTER the overturning.

This is outdated. The current, non-provisional MMR for the USA is now 22%, which is still much too high for a first world country.


According to the CDC, "more than 80% of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States are preventable."

This includes WANTED and UNWANTED pregnancies, as all maternal deaths include pregnant women and women who are newly postpartum (with deaths resulting from childbirth/abortion).

Why these women are dying even though so many deaths are preventable is unknown, but I have a few ideas...

Clearly medicinal neglect is a horrific problem in the USA regardless of prolife laws. Refusing to treat a life-threatening condition during pregnancy (EVEN if this includes termination), is medicinal neglect.


No, there has yet to be a case presented that goes beyond medicinal neglect. Some times other reasonings are found, none of which relate to PL laws.

The laws and terminology, both nationally and under each PL state bill, are CLEAR that miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and all other forms of life threatening circumstances are EXEMPT from abortion laws, despite what propagandists say otherwise.

. . .

This is a throw together of many different sources, but just refer to THIS when fact checking the following information :

(Drop a state and I will prove the following information in each state bill)

Medical Judgement :

Doctors can use their medical judgment to determine if a separation of the mother and baby is necessary.

Imminence :

Doctors don't need to wait until a woman's death is imminent or she's already suffered physical impairment.

Federal Law :

The Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) requires medical providers to stabilize a patient in an emergency, including performing an abortion when necessary.

Negligence :

Doctors and hospitals who fail to provide necessary treatment in emergency circumstances may be committing malpractice.

It is a CRIME to fail to save the life of a pregnant woman or any person who comes to a hospital in critical condition no matter what. No matter other laws, principles, or policies. A homeless person may have no insurance and no money - it's a crime to let him die. A pregnant woman may need an abortion to survive - it is a crime to let her die.

The ProLife movement views mother and child (and all humans) as EQUALS - the unborn child does not have more rights nor more importance. If a doctor must save one, the family/woman may decide, as it would be in the case of a wanted pregnancy.

SOURCES : (In order),deaths%20per%20100%2C000%20live%20births.,deaths%20per%20100%2C000%20live%20births.,to%201%20year%20after%20pregnancy.,and%20site%20of%20the%20pregnancy.,suspected%20or%20known%20ongoing%20intrauterine