Storytime: My dad sees nothing wrong with IVF
Context: My dad is a die-hard MAGA supporter and sees nothing wrong with anything Trump is doing (including his executive order expanding IVF).
So after work today, I get into an argument with my father on IVF and he...well, let's just say he goes on a bizarre tangent to defend it.
The argument begins with the phrase "Life starts at conception." The IVF clinics house UNFERTILIZED EGGS (according to his argument) and he is absolutely certain that NONE of the eggs in IVF clinics are fertilized. Ergo, IVF is not dehumanizing, that IVF actually UPHOLDS the sanctity of human life, and (this is the main point) the pro-life and abortion abolitionist arguments condemning IVF are the result of folks misled by propaganda that they got from Democratic leftist misinformation in order to justify hating on Trump as a President.
Confused? Well, hopefully this helps: My father is big on "questioning everything you read". You combine that with his die-hard MAGA affiliation, plus the fact that we are dealing with misinformation in the news anyway, and you get this weird take on life that he has that anything that is not from a reputable source ought to be dismissed as leftist propaganda.
There is zero evidence, he claims, that any of the eggs in IVF clinics are fertilized. Therefore, anyone claiming otherwise is either:
A. Willfully ignorant.
B. Paid actors hired by the leftists to spread misinformation and do more damage than the leftists already have under Biden's administration.
Do I have a dysfunctional family?