Puppy is scared of new kitten

A couple days ago I brought home an 8 week old kitten named Honey Dew. I also have a 9 month old Labrador named Peach. We are doing the proper introduction (I.e. keep the kitten confined to one room, letting them sniff each other through the door, eventually working up to supervised time together) however last night I stepped out into the hallway still holding Dewy and I didn’t realize Peach had been waiting at the door. Peach has been very curious about this new presence in the house and spends a lot of time lying outside the door to the kitten room. Neither cat nor dog were freaking out when they saw each other so I decided to bend down and let them sniff each other

Peach then became very scared of Honey Dew and started scrambling backwards to get away. In contrast, Dewy was calmly sitting in my arms not doing anything. I put Dewy away after that and went to reassure Peach.

How can my 60lbs puppy be afraid of a kitten that is probably 2lbs and the size of Peach’s head? I know this is still very early on in their interactions and I will continue to take it slow, but is there anything I can do so that Peach isn’t so scared next time?

(For context, the person I got Dewy from also had a Labrador so she is very used to being around big dogs, and the breeder I got Peach from also had a cat so she was exposed to a cat until I took her home at 8 weeks)