Genuine criticism towards pyro's fanbase as well as the man himself

(slightly ranty piece, not really fully organized)

It really feels like the pryocynical fanbase has fallen off of a cliff in a negative way, and Pyro really fuels that.

While this is my own opinion, it really saddens me that the fanbase can never take any sort of piece surrounding discussions seriously whenever it is needed, furthermore Pyro adds onto this by either encouraging it, or going on tangents while derailing said important discussions. An example of this would be the continual discussions of people such as World of T-Shirts (the milking of content surrounding a man burdened by alcoholism), as well as the recent video about the tiktoker who allegedly murdered his therapist.

This mainly involves his streams when referring to him going off on tangents, he will stop what hes doing to respond to some low effort donation that will then make him derail entire conversations about serious topics that really makes it seem like he never takes stuff seriously. Furthermore as for the aspects of his community are much more far reaching, when referring to World of T-shirts for example, much of his fanbase will make random jabs about pyro's hair, or just treat a mans entire life falling apart as some joke, and it just makes me sick.

I just wonder if other people have the same issue with pyro and his fanbase