I started eating less and less because of my narcissistic and entitled dad
IK I sound incredibly ungrateful so please forgive me.
I 18F live with my parents in Bangladesh. I'm still in high school and any job prospects for teenagers are basically nil in this country so I have no choice but to remain here.
I grew up with an abusive & narcissistic father whose entitlement is off the charts as he acts like the world should revolve around him and be tailored to his own needs & desires while my mom has been more the neglectful one and she tends to turn a blind eye to my dad's behavior "to maintain peace" and at times, she actively defended his behavior by pointing out that he's abusive for "our own good because he loves us" and that we should be more understanding of him.
Back to the main point. So technically, the food at our home is cooked in accordance to his taste and palette. And let's say, his taste in food is rather very questionable as there are nearly no spices in anything thats cooked at home and he seems to be a fan of very mushy foods with a strange texture. He literally goes nuts at us for not confirming to his palette and demands that we eat the EXACT thing he eats or else we should just starve instead.
I suffer from Autism and ARFID. Hence I have a very limited range of foods that I find edible and certain textures, tastes, smell and appearances of food makes me lose my appetite and I end up not eating because of that. And this was met with me being the butt of the joke by both my mom and dad, especially my dad. For example, I got jeered at by my dad because I only ate chicken during a family dinner & I ended up getting called ableist slurs when I was 7 years old. My mom & older sister often came at me for being a picky eater and my eccentricities. That hurt a lot but I bottled everything up inside because I didn't want to be made fun of for crying as this happened way too many times growing up and now I do everything to not cry in front of my family and friends.
But yeah, I'm aware of how ridiculously out of touch I sound and I totally understand if my words are met with a scoff and disdain. But, I'm truly and utterly exhausted with living with a N-dad who doesn't seem to understand that not everyone shares his tastes and palette in food. I started skipping lunch and dinner now. Often, I go days and days without food due to undiagnosed ARFID and untreated autism in addition to my dad's scathing remarks for my eating habits and his extreme control over our meal choices. Atp, skipping meals seem easier than eating and being on the verge of throwing up at the same time.
Anyway, I'm sorry for wasting your time. Have a good day.