So I accidentally overwrote my 98.5% saves on PC (yes plural, my dumb ass watched as I overwrote like four save slots with a new play through) and I looked all over the internet for solutions and found nothing of use. I started to look into the files app after a comment on another post said how to find the game’s save files there, but alas they were all updated and current. But after like 30 minutes of messing around with them, I figured out how to easily recover your save data.
Step 1: In notes app go to Documents, Rockstar Games, RDR2, Profiles, Profiles folder, and scroll down to files marked SDR.
Step 2: Right click whatever slot you want to revert (you can check which save slot it is by clicking “Edit in Notepad” or any other file viewer), then click “Show more options”.
Step 3: Click “Version History” and scroll to the date you want it to reset to, then click it and click “Restore”.
IMPORTANT: Whatever SDR files you change, change both the one that has “.bak” at the end and the corresponding one that does not. By corresponding I mean it should have the same number.
Step 4: Open RDR2 and it should have a pop up saying the cloud data conflicts with local data. Click LOCAL DATA, then proceed.
Step 5: Go into your save slots and it should be updated with whatever you changed in the files.
Hope this solves many catastrophes, good luck. 😊