Ash Sarkar book

This is pretty UK left coded so will probably go over a lot of people's heads, but I find it pretty hilarious that Ash Sarkar - who I do actually find quite likeable in general - has a book coming out criticising leftist identity politics as being self-defeafting.

Apparently she finally realised this "around two years ago" after a conversation with her husband. He comes from a northern white working class family and said to her he thought leftist idpol involved middle class humanities graduates telling everyone else what to say and think. And she was like 'oh yeah you're right'.

Bear in mind she is a very prominent UK leftist talking head who'd been on the scene for 10+ years at this point, proclaiming to know what's best for disenfrancished and working people and who has pushed a shit tonne of dumb arse idpol nonsense over the years in the media. Oh well at least she's finally clocked on. Bit late though.