My boyfriend (M41) lacks common sense and is completely incompetent. I (F28) don't know what to do anymore, I just found out I’m pregnant too

I want to preface this by saying that I may be overreacting, but I really need some advice on how to handle this situation. To keep it brief, me (F28) and my partner (M41) have been together for a year and a half. I recently had been feeling like I wasn’t happy in the relationship so I ended things around a month ago, I found out a couple of weeks ago I was pregnant. We decided to give it another go for the sake of the baby and I started spending more time at his house again, however my biggest issue with my partner is that he is completely incompetent. Im afraid I’m turning into a nag and have complete resentment towards him. I feel like I have to do everything around the house as he is not capable which he admits to. He tells me he doesn’t have the patience to stack or unstack a dishwasher or fold and put clothes away. He doesn’t do any household tasks. His dressing room floor is full of clothes as he says he doesn’t have the patience to put clothes on a hanger and hang them back up.. Recently he came home and asked me could I cook him breakfast, I was having really bad morning sickness and told him he would have to make it himself. As I lay on the sofa ill he asked me where every utensil was and what each step was to cook eggs on toast!! He owns his own company and has been asking me recently to come in to his office and help him do things there too! He asks me where every single thing is in the house, whether it’s his car keys, a specific pair of trousers, his shoes.. anything! When I ask him to look himself he tells me it’s easier to ask me instead of having to walk around looking.

I moved back home with my parents a few months ago as I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like i was his mother and it was ruining the relationship and I didn’t even want to be intimate with him anymore, every time i would visit his house there would be dishes lying everywhere and clothes piled up on the bedroom floor. He will sometimes ask his sister to come and clean his house which is the only time it will get cleaned.

I can’t take it anymore, since finding out I’m pregnant I have been spending more time back at his house and it is putting a real downer on my pregnancy especially dealing with morning sickness too. In a few months I feel like I will have two kids, and if we break up I don’t think I trust him to take our baby alone which is a massive issue. I snapped at him recently and told him I can’t take it anymore, I told him I feel like his mum and he is totally incapable at doing anything. I felt bad after and apologized but he told me he wanted nothing to do with someone who doesn’t have respect for him. He told me the way I spoke to him was disgusting. I understand this as I actually don’t have respect for him anymore, but he doesn’t seem to understand where I’m coming from, he thinks I’m a nag. Any time I bring it up to him he gets defensive and turns the whole argument around on me, telling me I treat him like crap. Can anyone offer some advice? Please help, I feel like I’m going crazy I can’t do this anymore