[7 YoE, Student/Crewmember/Intern, Summer Intern, United States]
Question: How am I supposed to quantify my work history descriptions
Like two weeks ago I went to the BEYA convention and one of the Google employees said that I should add numbers to my resume, but the problem is I don’t keep track of how much people I serve at my fast food job. I do multiple positions each shift and it’s a on campus job so there’s lots of students coming in. My boss also doesn’t give up numbers or any information about anything and now she’s gone on pregnancy leave so I can’t even contact her. Can I just make something up?
Question: How am I supposed to quantify my work history descriptions
Like two weeks ago I went to the BEYA convention and one of the Google employees said that I should add numbers to my resume, but the problem is I don’t keep track of how much people I serve at my fast food job. I do multiple positions each shift and it’s a on campus job so there’s lots of students coming in. My boss also doesn’t give up numbers or any information about anything and now she’s gone on pregnancy leave so I can’t even contact her. Can I just make something up?