Mack and Vekoma are becoming the new Intamin and B&M [other]

Now firstly in no way am I saying there replacing those two. I don’t what to think of what it would take to topple those two giants. That being said I’ve noticed some parallels.

Back in the day if you wanted a fancy wacky coaster you’d go to Intamin. The company that accepts crazy projects like there on drugs. Now look at Mack’s recent projects. A hyper coaster full of ground breaking elements and a one of a kind multi launch masterpiece. They also potentially have the world’s fastest inversion and the crackpot idea that is the extreme spinner.

Now if you wanted a reliable, smooth yet intense ride you’d go for b&m. Now B&M is losing their claim to smoothness while vekoma has become the go to smooth, intense ride of choice. There main models even have parallels. Dive - tilt, invert - STC, family invert - SFC, flying - Flying Dutchman mk2 (FLY). And now both even have sit down family launch coasters. Even to the point that a lot of B&M’s latest innovations seem like a way to steal sales from vekoma with the family invert and penguin trek.

Again not saying there replacing them just recently some jobs that would easily go to Intamin or B&M are going to these two and it’s cool to watch the tides change.