How did you find your tax guy?

Sales beasts,

Knowing that this gig is a high $$$ profession, I'm curious how you all found your tax guy?

I'm currently making around $200k a year in sales and have my pops doing all my accounting for me (he is a former CPA certified accountant from the 1980s). While I love what he does (specifically it being free) I feel as though getting someone who is more caught up to speed on tax law would benefit me greatly. I am planning on purchasing a home in the next few months and want to take advantage of the tax benefits of doing so as I pay way too much to uncle sam. I've already asked a bunch of the wealthy guys I know but all of them say that their wealth guys aren't taking on anymore clients or that I don't make enough.

Any advice on how to find a good one? What questions should I be asking.