Saskatoon residents need to mobilize against City Hall in order to get commonsense regulations regarding bear mace.

Bear mace incidents are completely out of control in this city, and like usual, city council dithers and lacks initiative.

Information regarding moves made by Vancouver and Edmonton have been submitted to city council by former mayoral candiate Cary Tarasof, but they refused to listen to him, and voted to send the information he brought intp the record without letting him speak. They are feckless and incompetent.

Those of us for commonsense need to attend a city council meeting with a critical mass that can't be ignored. Rich people like the mayor may never use the bus, or go to the mall, but it's no excuse for doing nothing on this matter.

Edit: Bylaw Proposal: 10k fine for improper storage or sale. Customer must present ID, be over 19, their information taken, and records held for 1 year.