Calm down. Trump isn't anywhere close to being the next Hitler.

For the record, I do NOT support Trump and what he is doing. However, comparing Trump to Hitler and the Nazis really minimizes how awful the Nazis actually were. What Trump is doing is certainly unkind, harmful, and should be scrutinized, but I think I need to remind people that Hitler started a world war, murdered over 10 million civilians, forcefully sterilized half a million people, and put over 10 million more into hard labor. That was about 1 out of every 10 people. If that happened in the U.S. today, that would be over 33 million people.

To put things into perspective, if Trump started another world war, murdered every single illegal immigrant (not just deporting them), forcefully sterilized every single trans person (not just redefining "gender" at a national level), and then put everyone who is LGBTQ+ into hard labor, he still would be several million shy of what Hitler did. That is INSANE.

So, if you don't like or support Trump, great. You are welcome to say that what he is doing is harmful and want others in the government to fight against him. I certainly do. But, he is still light years away from being Hitler and I think it is important to remember that.

Now, to the people who will inevitably say that "Trump hasn't done these things yet, but he is trying to". He really isn't. The first thing Hitler did was entirely dismantle the German government. And no, Trump firing a few people here and there doesn't not count as "dismantling the U.S. government". He would have to entirely get rid of the DoJ, the Senate, Congress, and the rest of the Executive branch. He has not tried doing that and even if he did try doing that, I doubt he could do that in only four years.

Edit: I'm not even going to bother answering all of these angry responses. You are welcome to think how you may, but I've said my piece.