We shouldn’t feel bad for rich people who knowingly hook up with psychos

In reference to no specific tech billionaire, I legitimately have no empathy for anyone who looks at real life versions of Patrick Bateman and decides to not only form a relationship with them but have kids with them

Take Kim Kardashian.

I ask you. Do any of you SERIOUSLY believe Kim Kardashian didn’t know Kanye West was a nutbag before they got together and had a kid? I remember she was basically singing his praises and defending him in the media right up until they split. Do you really think he wasn’t talking mad shit about the Jews around her? Anyone? Anyone at all?

A lot of these celebs we’re supposed to feel bad for because of their mental exes knew what they were. Maybe they loved them, maybe they loved the lifestyle and fame, could not care less

I feel bad for the kids, but I have no empathy for millionaires who knowingly let Patrick Bateman get them pregnant.

And the same in reverse. If you’re a dude dating Amber Heard, I have no empathy for you. We all saw that trial, if she takes a dump on your bed or cuts off your finger that’s bad but NOMFUP.

You can’t fuck and have a kid with a walking red flag and expect public sympathy when they don’t send you enough child support or some shit.

This is like me banging Jodie Arias and then having the fucking gall to be like “women in 2025 guys, you treat em well and they try killing you I’m so over dating fr fr, I need a show on TLC so people understand my struggle.”

Fuck all the way off.