What was the moment that made you realize you either have or don’t have pretty privilege?
I’ve always hear people talk about pretty privilege, but I never really thought much about it until I had a moment that made me question where I stood.
For me, it was something small but eye-opening. I was out with a friend, and we both needed help finding something at a store. She asked an employee, and they barely gave her a second glance, just pointing in a vague direction. A few minutes later, I asked the same thing, and suddenly, they were all smiles, walking me over, making small talk, and even offering extra recommendations. It was such a subtle difference, but it made me wonder if was it just friendliness, or was there more to it?
I’ve also heard the opposite side—where people feel like they’re ignored, overlooked, or not treated as nicely as others. I’d love to hear your experiences. Was there a specific moment that made you realize you do (or don’t) benefit from pretty privilege?