how to/should i tell my friend

hi so recently i got into a slight argument with my friend because i texted his ex joking around and it kind of turned into a whole thing where she was then texting him and he was super upset with me. i apologized a lot but he was still mad so i ended up cutting myself, even though he’s been trying to help me get clean and i had made it to two days.

i feel even more guilty now but i feel like i shouldn’t tell him because he’s dealing with stuff of his own, especially now that he had that thing happen with his ex. we’ve texted after the whole ordeal and it seems he’s not super upset anymore though.

he’s told me in the past to text him whenever i feel like shing or when i sh, but this time i don’t know if i can because i feel like it would come across as self absorbed and manipulative, like “oh i did a terrible thing and made you upset but you HAVE to forgive me because i cut myself”