Tried working on my self esteem and ended increasing my body image issues. What am I doing wrong?

I (27F) come here today defeated. I started my journey to build a better life about 2 years ago. My main problem was self esteem which I didn’t have at all. Idk if that information is relevant but I had severe childhood problems from being shy, bullied and an ugly child. I grew up hating myself.

On these 2 years I tried everything that’s usually advised. Gym, therapy, working on my appearance, having a nice social life, having relationships, everything. I had a daily routine and all, drank water, ate healthy etc. I’m still miserable. I still can’t look at a photo of myself to save my life. I still hate myself every time I look in the mirror. And today it is worse. I want to give up. It’s been a week since I did take care of myself for the last time. Now it’s just binge watching some crap and eating junk food bc I honestly don’t have the strength to do anything else.

I think I’ve had it. I hit a dead end with this. I don’t know what the next step is. I’m not sure if I need to start taking meds or something. Working on myself isn’t working anymore. What am I doing wrong? What should I do to keep going?