Best Apps to track Progress of my New Year's Resolutions and Goals
TLDR: I would love app recommendations to track my New Year's Resolutions and just goals in general. I would love something that includes a lot of visuals, data, and stats to learn more about myself and track progress
Goal tracker app recommendations. I would love a progress tracker bar for visualization. I would also like to be able to send reminders to complete certain goals at specific times. I want to be able to set goals to reach bigger goals. And I also want to be able to set goals that rely on other things I'm doing - for example: every hour I spend at work I spend 20 minutes relaxing. Maybe also goals to not do certain things or spend over a certain amount: for example - don't spend over $500 a month on groceries. It would also be cool to set rewards based on completion of certain goals- lose X amount of weight and celebrate by buying new clothes. There will be a combo of reoccurring and measurable goals.
Examples of some of my goals for reference:
- Career
- Get X certification by X date/month
- Get new job paying more than X amount by X date/month
- Learn about X
- Build portfolio in X
- Get experience in X
- Creative goals
- Amount of projects I want to work on and goals to get those projects done
- Projects are in:
- Illustrations
- Worldbuilding
- Writing
- Comics
- Business
- Social Media
- Set up X for business
- Get X amount of order
- Build a portfolio in X
- Read X amount of books
- Read X amount in x genre
- Read X amount in y genre
- Personal Growth
- Volunteer X amount
- Enter a race/relay
- Do something I've never done before
- Do something that makes me happy everyday
- Work on destressing my life
Family & Friends
- Relationship
- Do something in one of the love languages a week
- Weekly dates
- Go on one trip out of state
- Do a staycation
- Express love everyday
- Family Planning: Goals to do before we start trying
- Genetic testing
- talk to Doctor about X
- Learn about X
- Figure out childcare
- Dog
- Train
- Go on a new hike or trail X amount per month
- Get a another dog (maybe)
- Family
- Visit X person
- Take a trip with X family
- Reach out every week to one sibling
- Social
- Make/strengthen bonds with friends and family (old and new)
- Host X amount monthly
- Do something for someone every week
- Can be in any of the love languages (eg make cookies for a neighbor, call a relative, write a letter to a friend, help someone with their career, etc)
- Join a hobby group
- Financial
- Pay off X debt
- Pay off X amount for X debt
- Overall amount
- Monthly goals to get to overall amount
- Invest money
- Grow Savings
- Buy first home
- there are many goals to get there that I have
- Living
- Clean X on reoccurring basis
- Organize storage in home
- Clothes away at the end of every day
- Skincare
- Appearance
- Beauty regime
- Weight loss
- Lose X amount
- Goal Weight - no deadline
- Only eat out X amount of times a month
- Work out
- Run X miles
- Ideally - X amount of runs a week. But I'd like to make up miles if I go under one week or one day
- Work out X times a week - not including walking
- Run X miles
Also I saw someone make a New Year's Resolution Goal Bingo on TikTok and would like recommendations for that as well if there is any apps that support that. If you have any other kinds of recommendations regarding my specific goals I'd love to hear them.