It's so mid.
Ignoring the elephant in the room that is the gachaslop price tag, even if this was priced as an ultimate skin, would it really be worth the purchase? The animations, especially the walking one, are laughably janky and exaggerated for the sole purpose of trying to duct tape Sett to a "snake style" fighting form for the sole purpose of trying to sell this in China as much as possible due to it being the year of the snake, which lets you know just how badly the indie company needs another gazillion chinese bucks. Then there are the VFX, in which the visual factor is okay with some pretty patterns, but just gets a simple recolor when you switch forms; not just that but the sound effects factor just sort of...falls short? When you use obsidian dragon for example, there is such a clear, concise and responsive level of satisfaction when using the autos and Q, like you're literally breaking through rocks with other rocks, and then the W and R having an explosive shotgun feel to them that never gets old; you see none of that in this skin, not even close. And besides the dance spam being funny because you move from left to right goofily quick, I'm sorry but the skin does very little for the character, especially since they, again, just wanted to tie Sett to a snake theme for the sake of China sales. Speaking of character, I ask you to take a quick look at the splash-art right now: Take a look at momma, more especifically her hands. Well, why in the world does she have have hands? "I remember my first fight, I came back home crying to momma, she wiped my tears with her CLAWS". That little detail, plus the fact he has sleeves, and the obvious snake theme duct taped to him just reveals this skin for what it is, even if you ignore the pricetag: A complete and utter disregard of Sett's character and visual storytelling, where the character is erased for the sake of a product that doesn't cater to the fans in the slightest, and you would be better off using any of the other, much better, and much, MUCH cheaper skins. And even if you're a whale and have the itch to spend a little on league and you happen to like Sett, this just isn't a quality product, and you'd be better off waiting for the next gacha skin if it's even that much better.