S02E06 Poll: Who had the most productive day? 🫣

So who had the most productive day? Choose wisely. Comment with your answers 😂

  1. iMark - Banged iHelly in empty office room. Got a nosebleed. Got first aid from Miss Huang.

  2. oMark- Goes berserk on Chinese dinner, has potential throuple conversation with Helena in diner, goes home and finishes reintegration, falls head first onto floor with the loudest thud in television history.

  3. iHelly- Lays savage one liners on iDylan, Finds out her work crush banged her outie, mopes, recovers, proceeds to bang said work crush, end of day.

  4. Helena- Orchestrates B/E at Irv's, follows her crush Mark.S, has the weirdest flirty convo in tv history with layers on layers of innuendo, fails to complete throuple, goes home to papa to update (probably).

  5. iDylan- Gets roasted by iHelly, Goes to visitation suite, Solicits hug, gets hug, moves to second base, initiated throuple fantasy with Gretchen..

  6. Gretchen- Successfully cheats on her husband with....her husband.

  7. Milkshake---- Has the most intense session of paper clipping ever, followed by the hottest anyone has ever looked saying 'Grow' while looking sternly in a mirror.

  8. Reghabi- Pulls off conducting freaking brain surgery on a dude in his basement and then proceeds to freak the hell out of his sister as he falls unconscious to the floor.

  9. Burt- Lures Irv into dinner whilst getting Mr Drummond to break into his apartment, attempts but fails to prevent Atilla from spilling the beans on Burt's Lumon History, says goodnight possibly for the final time to Irv.

  10. Cobelvig- ???

Looking forward to the comments XD