He wants to cum on my face
My bf and I are into trying anything new that comes to mind to be honest and a few times now he’s mentioned wanting to cum on my face. I’m totally fine with this and have told him he can whenever he wants.
My only concern in doing this is just that… I’ve never had this done to me
Is there a best way to make getting hit in the face with cum look sexy?? Cause I’m worried I’m going to make a face in order to not get it in my eyes or anything and end up looking like I’m squinting awkwardly
Also what’s the best way to clean it off my face? Usually when he cums anywhere else we’ll just clean it up with a towel and move on but I feel like a face is different idk I kinda just need the more experienced people on here to give me the run down
Thank youuuu 💕
Update: not that anyone asked… it went very well, no complaints, will 100% be doing it again in the future.
Thank you for all of the advise!