Is it worth ending a brilliant relationship over sexual mismatch?

I guess I'm asking to get reassurance over the decision I've made.

I (33/M) ended a 12-year relationship because we were so massively different in our sexual and intimacy desires and had been for 7 years, ever since she got depressed and started taking antidepressants.

I love kissing as a way of feeling close; she never liked it. I have a high sex drive (would gladly have a sexual encounter 6 or 7 times a week); she was probably only into sex once every few months although would "give" me sex once every week or two. Sex is an intimacy thing for me; it became an orgasm producing activity for her. I'm a very tactile person (including with male & female friends); she is a little on the spectrum so isn't particularly interest in touch.

Outside of the bedroom we got on brilliantly. Couldn't have asked for a better suited partner. She was my best friend and ticked every box, aside from the wall of rejection and gaslighting I felt from our sex life. I guess I'm wondering if people here would have ended a relationship like this once they realised it was either end it or have a child and be tied together until retirement?