What do you live towards if "the hustle" doesn't excite you anymore? Or you don't have "A BIG DREAM"
I know that this sub is the epitome of the very answer - but there's a specific part to this I wish I could elaborate right. With the end of the year/new year approaching - there's a rise in goalsetting content and vision boards and being your best self etc etc. I don't really care for this kinda content but whenever it comes on my feed I always feel like there is something wrong with me. I actually used to be a "hustler" but somewhere I lost that spark - either that or hustle culture didn't feel right anymore. I wouldn't say I'm looking to gain that spark again or anything.
I was watching one particular video out of curiosity and it mentioned how "we all know what to do we just have to go and do it"....this sat so wrong with me because...it is speaking in a context that you HAVE a big grand goal in mind - a goal to WIN in life. Um..what if I don't desire to win? The tone of hustler messaging is that if you don't have a BIG GRAND GOAL...you're doing it wrong. And frankly, I don't always know what I am supposed to be doing.
What DO I put on my vision board, right? (rhetorical) I genuinely don't have a dream of WINNING in life but when I do think of what I want it's all the intangible things: having meaningful friendships, wishing to have better systems for my messy mind, having a meaningful life with warm, rich experiences...ygm?
I think this is a creative people problem. An INFP problem if you will. Don't get me wrong, I do find it important to be healthy and active, and some other things I value like good habits - such as sleep. But...it's like there is something in this messaging I just don't understand. It feels wrong to not want to be a content creator or a youtube channel or a big dream to prove everyone wrong.