What helps you fall back asleep?
I’ve been having trouble staying asleep the whole night for the last month and a half. Have never really had difficult sleeping through the night before. I am able to sleep really well on the weekends, but during the week have consistently been having trouble sleeping. I fall asleep really easily, like within 5 minutes, but then wake up around 4am to 5am (which is an improvement from 2:30AM, which is when I was waking up when this started). My alarm goes off at 6:30AM and when I wake up, I start doing “sleep math,” have trouble clearing my mind, and get frustrated when I can’t fall back asleep. I was prescribed hydoxyzine but that doesn’t help me stay asleep, nor does melatonin. I’ve tried some sleep meditation apps and a bedtime stories for adults podcast, but those haven’t worked for me. This issue seems anxiety-related. I started a new job in July and my stress has decreased since then, so I’m not sure why this is happening now. Don’t really drink caffeine, have a glass of wine rarely. I’m just getting so frustrated. I feel like crying some mornings. What works for you?