Finally online

My 6 growatt spf3000 inverters are running in split phase, 18kw total. Tied into 60kwh battery. I have 15 of 45 panels online. Waiting for warmer weather.

Monitored by solar assistant. Open loop at the inverters. Low volt cutoff at 48v and high at 56v but that’s only backup, set to charge at 10a per inverter from 12am-5am.

Once I get the rest of the panels online I should be completely off grid.

Still got some wires to clean up, but that’s a project for another day.

My 6 growatt spf3000 inverters are running in split phase, 18kw total. Tied into 60kwh battery. I have 15 of 45 panels online. Waiting for warmer weather.

Monitored by solar assistant. Open loop at the inverters. Low volt cutoff at 48v and high at 56v but that’s only backup, set to charge at 10a per inverter from 12am-5am.

Once I get the rest of the panels online I should be completely off grid.

Still got some wires to clean up, but that’s a project for another day.