Getting back to life after injury (advice?)

Hey all, I would really appreciate hearing your experience, my mum had an accident in 2019 which caused her to lose all control from her neck down (she can move her face right and left but she can't sit up straight or anything else, she can also flap her hands but that's about it). (her body makes involuntary moves at times, idk why, like it starts stretching and shaking suddenly)

Ever since then she's been feeling dead, has no hope of "living", she did go out three times during the past two years with the assistance of special transportation services but it wasn't a good experience cuz their equipment is for paraplegics not quadriplegics + there were many staircases in the way.. ((where we live we don't have proper facilities/services))


1) Could you kindly share your experience with getting back to life? going to the park, to the beach, getting out of your room..

2) What are the best (wheelchair) + (car) suitable for quadriplegics who cannot sit upright and need back and neck support?

thank you so much if you've read this far and thank you even more if you helped <3