Update 17 days out L4-L5 fusion

I had my post-op follow up today and all went well. (L4-L5 fusion and decompression). Got my stitches out (and glue ripped off 😖) today so looking forward to less irritation around the incision area. PA says everything looks great. She increased my lifting to 15-20 lbs, said I could BLT within reason, and no limitations on walking. Still having moderate pain when getting out of bed but that’s improving, mild pain and discomfort throughout the day. Looks like I have 4 screws, a couple of rods and a spacer, not as much hardware as some I’ve seen on this sub but not complaining 😂. Not out of the woods yet but making progress 🙂

I had my post-op follow up today and all went well. (L4-L5 fusion and decompression). Got my stitches out (and glue ripped off 😖) today so looking forward to less irritation around the incision area. PA says everything looks great. She increased my lifting to 15-20 lbs, said I could BLT within reason, and no limitations on walking. Still having moderate pain when getting out of bed but that’s improving, mild pain and discomfort throughout the day. Looks like I have 4 screws, a couple of rods and a spacer, not as much hardware as some I’ve seen on this sub but not complaining 😂. Not out of the woods yet but making progress 🙂