Let’s consider the tough question - how is CIG going to make money once SQ42 and SC 1.0 release?

Right now, whether we like it or not, CIG’s main revenue is pledge and standalone ship sales. The upcoming IAE is going to bring in a lot of revenue for them. Then there are subscribers, but I think (correct me if I’m wrong) that pales in comparison to the former.

Waaaaay back when this all first started, I thought CIG had said there would be no monthly subscription to play Star Citizen. Looking at how they just announced ship building in game, it looks like and I certainly hope ship pledge sales stop completely. Maybe the only thing they sell online is skins/livery. If thats the case, we can almost guarantee Star Citizen will be subscription based.

Either that, or updates will be viewed as DLC or expansions, new systems will cost money to buy and unlock. Thats disappointing, but I can see that happening now that we are down to the much more realistic 5 systems at launch.

Has there been any news or talk from CIG staff on their plans for this? What do y’all think?? With how things have gone with broken promises over the years I don’t hold up much hope, but still want to fly and play :(.