Contested Zone Loot

Everyone might not like this or will agree but I think this should be talked about. As I am very excited for this new gameplay for FPS as it is my favorite type of gameplay, I don’t really agree with the potential loot. I am going to play contested zones, it’s going to be fun, but I don’t like how CIG essentially for forced the entire player base into something not everyone does or enjoys.

In particular I’m speaking about moving Grade A ship components and locking them behind CZ’s. I would absolutely agree If these were upgraded components that gave a better buff like more power, faster regen shields, faster cool down for QT drives, or components HP. But they are not, they are the same components just taken out of the in-game store and locked behind content. Components everyone uses from miners, salvagers, cargo haulers, and everyone else but now can only find behind something only a small portion of the player base does.

Why not award an upgraded version with better stats like they have for some FPS weapon components and character gear. I just think this is a lazy way for CIG to get people to play their new content is all.

Let me know what you think, curious to hear everyone’s opinion on this or better options.