Where to start?
Hey everyone. I have never played Broodwar before and i was wondering if there is a nice "where to start?" guide with the basics i could watch/read. I have grown up on old 2000s RTS but the only one i have ever played semi competetive was SC2 where i was able to reach low diamond rank during WoL and the beginning of HotS, but i have not really played since about 10 years or so.
Recently i got the itch again and since i always heard very good things about BW i thought i give it a go.
I know some things about it, like janky pathing, smaller control groups more in depths micro (compared to SC2) and the fact that it does not get any balance patches.
I know there is SC: Remastered and that it seems to be adapted and approved by the community (is this correct)
I would like to learn to play zerg on remastered i think.
Could you give me any solid beginner friendly guides, training excercises or tips?
Thank you in advance!