Step parenting advice
Hi everyone. This is my first Reddit post and I wanted to hear some of your point of views. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year now and we are currently living together. He has an almost 2 year old and has him over as often as he can. He’s a truck driver so he’s not always home to have him. Recently, he got off the road and he’s found a new job closer to home and comes home daily, so he’s able to get him more. While I love his son as if he is my own and he is the more joyful, sweetest toddler that I enjoy having around, he is also a VERY active child. I am currently in between jobs, so I’m always home which means, he is here with me throughout the week until my boyfriend comes home from doing 8-10 hours shifts. By that time I am extremely exhausted from running behind his child all day. Over the weekends when he is off, he likes to sleep whenever he can as he does throughout the week as well. Tonight after we finished watching tv, my boyfriend dozed off and shortly after, his son woke up from his sleep and he immediately comes to the couch. I woke my boyfriend up to tell him his child is awake and instead of him getting up, he starts to doze back off and told me to let him run around, meaning I would have to watch him and run behind him like I do throughout the ENTIRE week. I told him he needs to get up and stop treating me like his baby sitter. He claims he was getting up but clearly he wasn’t. He always tells me he won’t push him on me because he has the support not only from me, but his family who also lives 15 minutes away. Regardless, I always help out as much as I can especially being that I am not currently working, so I can help more. His child’s mom is every bit of petty, so a few days of us having him turns into weeks that eventually interferes with everyone’s schedules. Sometimes I feel like I am selfish to complain because in a way, I walked into this knowing he had a small child before I moved in with him. Any idea from anyone on how to go about this?
Edit: PLEASE don’t comment being rude. If you have thoroughly read what I wrote, you’d see I said I am in between jobs meaning I am actively looking for work. These are very trying times and I have never had this much of an issue looking for work as I am now. If you have nothing useful to say, don’t bother commenting. Thanks!
Update: Firstly, thanks to those who’s commented giving me a different perspective! We had a conversation, and I told him how I felt and we agreed that we will be sending his child to his grandmothers (my SO’s) mother when he has him until he gets off work until we can catch up on finances and get him a babysitter. Side note.. my boyfriend is really hard working and I mistakenly told him prior to all of this that I wouldn’t mind helping watch him while he is at work (which I quickly realized was a mistake lol). Again, thank you all!