Morning After Thoughts

Wake up. Puppy is in her kennel. Seems normal. Chug a bottle of water. What time is it? Can't find my phone. Check living room, phone's not there. How much did I drink last night? Go to the bathroom. Uh oh. Phone is on the floor. There's vomit on the rug and smeared all over the floor. I threw up? I don't remember throwing up. Check phone. It's 7:30. Whew good, didn't call anyone or send any text messages. Check Instagram: 1) "I hope you made it home okay..." 2) "I came to say hi to you and you weren't paying attention to me. I'm upset with you." Take some ibuprofen to get ahead of the hangover / headache. Check for marks and bruises. Don't see any. Looks like I got home at 11:30 - that doesn't seem too late. Walk puppy. Check car. Car looks good, thank God. Go back inside. Clean up vomit. Log in to work. Gosh I hope I didn't say or do anything horrible last night. Hangxiety kicks in. It's not worth it.