"She will be a teen mom, no doubt!"
(26F) I was in the 8th grade. I was a very hyper, fun loving kid. I could befriend anyone like it was nothing! There was one girl in my class who had a crush on me at the time, I had gotten close with her and had no idea she felt that way about me. Long story short I told her I was not interested, as I wasn't even allowed to "date" yet and I just wanted to have fun. But I was 100% okay with staying friends.
Her BEST friend was our math teachers daughter(also in the same grade). This math teacher did not care for me, which was perfect as I didn't care for her either. She was an absolute bully to numerous kids. On the very last day of school, all the 8th graders spent the day outside playing. I was running around, having a great day and ready for summer vacation! My math teacher, her daughter, and the girl who liked me were standing near me talking when I heard my math teacher speak up and say "Without a DOUBT SHE WILL BE"(She said my name, not she).
Me being me, I turned to her and said "my name will be what????" Her response made my stomach drop to my toes...in a loud stern voice she said "I said YOU WILL NO DOUBT END UP A TEEN MOM, YOULL HAVE A BABY BEFORE YOU'RE OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL".
I just looked at her with disgust and confusion. I didn't understand. I was NEVER flirtatious, never all over boys, hell I acted more like a boy then than most the boys in my class! I was a very rough tomboy in that time. I couldn't believe someone who was supposed to educate, and care about their students who were CHILDREN would ever say a thing as evil as that.
Flash forward. I'm 24, I'm bartending at a well respected lodge in my town making great money. She walks in. As you can imagine, my face said it all. She acted surprised and tried to be friendly, asking what I had been up to. I smiled the biggest shit eating grin, and said "working this amazing job, traveling, enjoying life, STILL NO KIDS!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???" The shame and embarrassment on her face was perfect. A full circle moment I thought I would never receive. This story is absolutely pointless, but I have always wanted to share this victory with others. An important lesson in all of this is, I've been through so much and realistically I shouldn't be here. I beat all odds and statistics. I made my life what it is today, and the joke is on everyone who doubted me.