Getting nowhere with ADC role, would love some coaching/vod review
tl;dr: peaked gold 4 in VN, hardstuck silver 2 in NA. Needed coaching/vod review to get to gold/plat
Hello everybody, I am an ADC main who used to play support and tried out this role due to curiosity and interest in the gameplay. I have an alternative account (made for another region) where I played mostly Jhin and Caitlyn and got some results out of it, most notably climbing all the way to Gold from Iron.
alt OP.GG: (games are all back in June - August so it will not load anymore I think)
However, I haven't gotten as far on my NA account, even on my Jhin main. I got to silver 2 and stagnated there instead of continue breezing through like my old account. Since I am stuck here for so long, I figured it might be more about my playstyle or my decisions thats affecting my current matches.
Things I have tried to do:
- Lookup Jhin videos / guides, watching good OTP players play Jhin and apply that to my game.
- Switching to other ADC champs. I performed terribly in a lot of them (Vayne, Jinx) and am considering practicing in normals
I would love to have someone coach me through and help me understand what I am doing wrong in my game, whether that's Jhin specific or macro / micro related. I understand I am not good mechanically, but I feel frustrated that even with winning games, I am still feeling like I'm losing it.
If you have time to help out or are interested in offering free coaching to me, please send me a DM either through Reddit or through my Discord: jefferyjeffmcjefferson
(edit: if this violates subreddit rules please let me know as well, I will try and adjust the post)