A bit worried...

Hey guys! If you've seen my post before, you know I'm watching an Arizona Blonde for a friend while they're in college. I know how to take care of them, but I'm worried now.

Last time I saw him was November 26th, give or take a few days after that. I've assumed he buried because I didn't open the vivarium whatsoever.

But now it's been 22 days, and I haven't seen a sign of him whatsoever. I've looked all sides of vivarium, underneath, nothing; I don't see him at all. I see the ghost of a tunnel, and his other tunnel he liked is empty as well. I've tried dropping a dead mealworm in, thinking that would make him come out (I was desperate), but nothing.

I'm about to leave for a 3 week vacation, and I'm worried he'll die while I'm gone. My friend and my dad will check on him every 2 days or so, and will keep me updated.

But what if he's already dead? Did he somehow escape? I don't see how he can :( but I am very worried.

Do they usually hide this long? I saw somewhere that someone's multiple tarantulas bury for winter?

Some things to keep in mind: -no rocks, so there's no way he got crushed -last time he ate was around Nov. 21 if I had to guess -I check everyday, still nothing -dirt doesn't seem moved around at all

I've read the post below, and I'm trying not to panic. Any advice or even reassurance would greatly help.

Help! My Tarantula Buried Itself!